Yesterday February 2nd of 2020 some of my family and I decided to go spend the morning up in the nearby mountains of Parc Natural del Montseny (in Catalonia for those who don’t know where).

There’s this beautiful swamp which after the tremendous rains (I’ve never seen raining this much over here) we had a week ago was to the fullest I’ve ever seen it. For those who still question if climate change exists.. oh boy, yes it exists and it’s just the beginning. So, how about maybe we all start making better choices when it comes to life and everything else? For instance, the environment. Which, now that I just dove a bit deeper on the subject, this weekend (even today) the temperatures here have been way higher than they should be knowing that it’s just beginning February -aka W I N T E R….- and the temperature has been around 26ºC. So sad.

Back to the main subject of the blog, which is always the same (photography and travel) here I bring you some of the photos I took during our day trip. The reflection on the water was so still; just magnificent.